How to help your child through PSLE – 7 PSLE tips to guide your child

The PSLE period is coming up once again and we understand that it is a stressful period for both the parent and the child. Here are some PSLE tips on how to help your child through PSLE.

1. Discuss Goals with them

In a collaborative manner, speak with your child about what his/her aspirations are. It could be in terms of which secondary school he wants to enter or what he wants to be in the future. By doing so, you are helping your child to visualize a goal that he can work towards. This will help to reinforce the importance and relevance of studying hard and getting good grades so that he can achieve his goals.

Also, guide your child to set and achieve realistic study goals. For example, you could get your child to write his weekly study goals down on paper (Monday: “Finish 1 chapter of Science”) and pin them up at his study area. This is to help your child stay focused and serve as a form of encouragement for him to study with a goal in mind.

2. Understand their Strengths and Weaknesses

Take time to understand your child’s abilities. What comes more naturally to him and what are the areas he tends to have more difficulties in?

Such in-depth knowledge will help you with the next step of guiding him strategically. This also means that you and your child can create more effective study goals by allocating more time to invest in your child’s weaker areas.

3. Guide them Strategically

Once his weaknesses have been identified, guide him to practice more questions from those weak topics. For example, if he is weak in Fractions, have Fractions-only worksheets that he works on repeatedly. This will help to strengthen his foundations and ensure that he learns from his mistakes. Getting the right answers on the 2nd or 3rd attempt will also help to boost his confidence.

Also, get your child to practice past year papers. Doing so will familiarise your child with the types of questions that come up frequently over the years. This helps to build a strong foundation for the types of questions that will be tested and give him more confidence.

Nearer the examination dates, set a timer to practice in a similar environment as in the actual examination. This will help your child get used to completing a paper under timed conditions.

4. Work out a schedule/timetable with them

It is important to start preparing your child for the big exam early. Last minute cramming is ineffective and causes unnecessary stress. 

Devise a practical and realistic timetable to help your child get the most out of the time he has left. 

However, avoid doing it by yourself. Planning it with your child will encourage him to take more ownership of his learning and studying. 

Checking off a “to-do” list can feel surprisingly accomplishing too!

5. Cultivate Proactiveness

Make sure that they are not over-reliant on their teachers and tutors. Instead, cultivate proactiveness in them. 

Guide your child to learn to ask questions, check their answers, review their mistakes, and revise on his own. This will help make your child feel more responsible for his studies and as a result, put in more effort in his studies.

On this note, your child will also have better awareness of what they know and what they don’t know, making it easier to work out the schedule/timetable for the following week!

6. Validate Effort & Progress

Young minds are most receptive when they are generally positive, so it is important to make learning fun for them so that they understand and retain information better.

Recognition of your child’s efforts when he has shown small improvements would spur him on in his revision. 

The journey of learning is just as important as the destination of good results. So, you can even reward your child when he accomplishes small goals like completing his weekly study goals, or even doing well for one of his weaker topics too!

7. Provide Emotional Support

Finally, apart from academic support, it is extremely important to encourage your child emotionally as well. Giving them too much unnecessary stress and pressure may be counter-effective. 

Get your child to confide in you. It is important for children to know that they can rely on their parents for more than just their material needs. A healthy mind and body will enable your child to do better!

Of course, we are also here to help. Aspire Hub is holding our PSLE Intensive Programme from August. 

This programme offers tutorials and lectures that cover the subjects extensively to ensure that your child is well-prepared for their big exam!

Find out more here, or call us to find out more about the programme!