Back-to-school tips: How to get your child excited to learn in 2025

From setting school goals for 2025 to enrolling in tuition classes, here are 5 back-to-school tips that will get your child excited for what's to come this new school term!

After a long break like the December one, getting kids excited about school may seem daunting. The good news is that it’s definitely possible. What’s more, it’s valuable

Doing this can help your child start the next year strong and build up momentum that may even carry through to the end of the academic term! Setting the perfect foundation in Term 1 can also build your child’s self-confidence early on. 

If you want to help your child here, we have the perfect tips for you today. Below are some of our favourite back-to-school tips at Aspire Hub!

1. Set meaningful and achievable goals

Encourage your learner to set both academic and personal goals for the year ahead. Examples of such goals include these:

  • Improving grades in specific subjects.
  • Participating in a co-curricular activity they like.
  • Creating a home study timetable to follow for the year. 
  • Reading a book outside of required materials every month or two.

As you can see, all of these goals can be beneficial to a student. Creating a study timetable can support effective study habits. Reading new books can improve language skills. 

It’s also crucial to note that each goal is realistic. Smart goal setting for students means avoiding overly ambitious targets. This way, your child is spared frustration while working towards self-improvement.

2. Create a fun study environment

We already mentioned home revision in the previous tip. That will inevitably be part of the new academic year.

So, why not make it easier? Providing study motivation for kids or supporting their home study may be simpler than you think. You can begin by giving them a good place for it!

Offer your child a conducive study setup. You can designate a specific part of your home as the study space, one that’s free from distractions and equipped with all necessary supplies. 

Personalise this space to make it more comfortable for your child as well. Study spaces don’t need to look sterile! 

Offer colourful stationery or labels your child can use to organise their study materials. You can even add motivational posters.

Doing this can make your child feel happier about going to that space during study time. It also reinforces the idea that studying isn’t a chore but can be something to enjoy.

3. Celebrate small wins

Whenever your child achieves something, small though it may be, make sure you celebrate it with them! This is an excellent way to set a positive tone for all future achievements.

This could be something as simple as completing a challenging assignment, or your child’s adjustment to a new after-school routine. 

All of these are small wins, but wins worth recognising. Rewarding your child for them shows you appreciate the effort they’ve put in. Moreover, it reinforces good behaviour and encourages your child to get even more wins!

4. Involve them in planning activities 

Giving children a sense of ownership can be a huge boost to their confidence. That’s why it can be a good idea to involve your child in planning ahead for the new year. 

For example, start talking to them about what they might find interesting in terms of after-school activities. Are there enrichment programmes they’d like to try? Are there classes or clubs they’ve long been curious about? 

Considering their opinions is a wonderful way to build respect between you and your child. It’s also an empowering gesture that can strengthen their sense of agency. 

In addition to that, this can help you build your child’s excitement for the future. The coming year becomes less of a thing to dread but something to look forward to! 

5. Choose engaging programmes 

If you’re signing your child up for afterschool or tuition programmes, make sure they’re interesting ones! If your child knows that what’s coming isn’t dull, they’ll be more positive from the start. 

This is actually where our own programmes at Aspire Hub have an edge. We offer small group lessons that focus on individual progress and enjoyable lessons. We also zero in on students’ motivations. 

This gives our teachers the ability to encourage students through academic challenges in new ways. The result is not just an engaged child but one with unlocked potential.

Let us help your child gear up for Term 1 2025!

Want to make sure your child gets the best start for the new term? Let us help. 

At Aspire Hub, we’ll help your child learn all of the important subject content for the new term. We can even provide an early introduction to new concepts. 

Our tailored programmes can support your child from Term 1 and beyond, ensuring the best progress throughout the new year. If you want to learn more, reach out to us now. We can also tell you about what programmes are available!

After a long break like the December one, getting kids excited about school may seem daunting. The good news is that it’s definitely possible. What’s more, it’s valuable

Doing this can help your child start the next year strong and build up momentum that may even carry through to the end of the academic term! Setting the perfect foundation in Term 1 can also build your child’s self-confidence early on. 

If you want to help your child here, we have the perfect tips for you today. Below are some of our favourite back-to-school tips at Aspire Hub!

1. Set meaningful and achievable goals

Encourage your learner to set both academic and personal goals for the year ahead. Examples of such goals include these:

  • Improving grades in specific subjects.
  • Participating in a co-curricular activity they like.
  • Creating a home study timetable to follow for the year. 
  • Reading a book outside of required materials every month or two.

As you can see, all of these goals can be beneficial to a student. Creating a study timetable can support effective study habits. Reading new books can improve language skills. 

It’s also crucial to note that each goal is realistic. Smart goal setting for students means avoiding overly ambitious targets. This way, your child is spared frustration while working towards self-improvement.

2. Create a fun study environment

We already mentioned home revision in the previous tip. That will inevitably be part of the new academic year.

So, why not make it easier? Providing study motivation for kids or supporting their home study may be simpler than you think. You can begin by giving them a good place for it!

Offer your child a conducive study setup. You can designate a specific part of your home as the study space, one that’s free from distractions and equipped with all necessary supplies. 

Personalise this space to make it more comfortable for your child as well. Study spaces don’t need to look sterile! 

Offer colourful stationery or labels your child can use to organise their study materials. You can even add motivational posters.

Doing this can make your child feel happier about going to that space during study time. It also reinforces the idea that studying isn’t a chore but can be something to enjoy.

3. Celebrate small wins

Whenever your child achieves something, small though it may be, make sure you celebrate it with them! This is an excellent way to set a positive tone for all future achievements.

This could be something as simple as completing a challenging assignment, or your child’s adjustment to a new after-school routine. 

All of these are small wins, but wins worth recognising. Rewarding your child for them shows you appreciate the effort they’ve put in. Moreover, it reinforces good behaviour and encourages your child to get even more wins!

4. Involve them in planning activities 

Giving children a sense of ownership can be a huge boost to their confidence. That’s why it can be a good idea to involve your child in planning ahead for the new year. 

For example, start talking to them about what they might find interesting in terms of after-school activities. Are there enrichment programmes they’d like to try? Are there classes or clubs they’ve long been curious about? 

Considering their opinions is a wonderful way to build respect between you and your child. It’s also an empowering gesture that can strengthen their sense of agency. 

In addition to that, this can help you build your child’s excitement for the future. The coming year becomes less of a thing to dread but something to look forward to! 

5. Choose engaging programmes 

If you’re signing your child up for afterschool or tuition programmes, make sure they’re interesting ones! If your child knows that what’s coming isn’t dull, they’ll be more positive from the start. 

This is actually where our own programmes at Aspire Hub have an edge. We offer small group lessons that focus on individual progress and enjoyable lessons. We also zero in on students’ motivations. 

This gives our teachers the ability to encourage students through academic challenges in new ways. The result is not just an engaged child but one with unlocked potential.

Let us help your child gear up for Term 1 2025!

Want to make sure your child gets the best start for the new term? Let us help. 

At Aspire Hub, we’ll help your child learn all of the important subject content for the new term. We can even provide an early introduction to new concepts. 

Our tailored programmes can support your child from Term 1 and beyond, ensuring the best progress throughout the new year. If you want to learn more, reach out to us now. We can also tell you about what programmes are available!