Part of the reason we’re so effective at what we do is that we use a teaching approach called SEPA. With it, we progress from using students’ Senses and their Experiences to teach a language, after which we guide them in Processing it and using what they’ve learned in Action.
At this age, your child needs to build a strong foundation for the levels up ahead. We consider that when crafting our syllabi, which also follows key learning outcomes of the MOE syllabus.
Our programmes include core language skills and tackle specific components covered in school such as composition writing and comprehension exercises. This gives your child a well-rounded early experience with learning Chinese.
Interest is vital when learning a second language. That’s why we encourage kids to enjoy learning Chinese by including hands-on components that get them actively involved in classes.
This works together with our unique attitude towards teaching that positions the teacher as both educator and coach. We take the time to understand your child’s individual learning preferences as well as how best to motivate him.
We tailor the tuition to suit the student. Hence, we have separate classes for kids who still need to build their language foundation and for ones who already have a great language base, but whom we believe are ready to go beyond what they learn in school.
Part of the reason we’re so effective at what we do is that we use a teaching approach called SEPA. With it, we progress from using students’ Senses and their Experiences to teach a language, after which we guide them in Processing it and using what they’ve learned in Action.
At this age, your child needs to build a strong foundation for the levels up ahead. We consider that when crafting our syllabi, which also follows key learning outcomes of the MOE syllabus.
Our programmes include core language skills and tackle specific components covered in school such as composition writing and comprehension exercises. This gives your child a well-rounded early experience with learning Chinese.
Interest is vital when learning a second language. That’s why we encourage kids to enjoy learning Chinese by including hands-on components that get them actively involved in classes.
This works together with our unique attitude towards teaching that positions the teacher as both educator and coach. We take the time to understand your child’s individual learning preferences as well as how best to motivate him.
We tailor the tuition to suit the student. Hence, we have separate classes for kids who still need to build their language foundation and for ones who already have a great language base, but whom we believe are ready to go beyond what they learn in school.